What is it about?

APSIS links quotes and parables from mystics, philosophers, scientists, and poets into a coherent interdisciplinary essay with actionable takeaways.

Who am I?

After having obtained my undergraduate degree in Physics, Philosophy, and Mathematics from The University of Toronto, I moved to Hong Kong in pursuit of a Master of Buddhist Studies degree from The University of Hong Kong. I then obtained a teaching degree and am currently working as a Science, Mathematics, and Technology in New York City.

My pedagogy and passions revolve around fostering scientific, mathematical, technological, and contemplative literacy.

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Join my pre-recorded online Introduction to Buddhist Meditation course for only $49.


When planets are orbiting a celestial body, there are two extreme points of great interest to astronomers - when it is furthest and closest. The term apsis denotes either one of these points. Many topics I will speak on are esoteric, while others are very close to our everyday experiences. I hope to bridge the apparent gap between them.

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Interdisciplinary essays on science, spirituality, and vitality.


Insatiably curious student of life. Currently finding myself at the intersection of physics, philosophy and dharma.